Monday, September 30, 2024

When You Know, You Know


The first person to see Jesus when he rose from the dead was Mary Magdalene. There is a lesson in this: A person delivered from demons knows the value of deliverance and resurrection. When you know, you know.

Mark 16:9 (TLB) 9 It was early on Sunday morning when Jesus came back to life, and the first person who saw him was Mary Magdalene—the woman from whom he had cast out seven demons.


Monday, September 23, 2024

The Fig Tree


In Luke 21, Jesus describes a degradation of events and end of this physical kingdom and says when new growth shows regeneration, there will be a new Kingdom of God where Jesus will rule. This Kingdom starts in you as soon as you let Jesus regenerate and transform your mind. 


Luke 21:29-33(TLB)  29 Then he gave them this illustration: “Notice the fig tree, or any other tree. 30 When the leaves come out, you know without being told that summer is near. 31 In the same way, when you see the events taking place that I’ve described you can be just as sure that the Kingdom of God is near. 32 “I solemnly declare to you that when these things happen, the end of this age has come. 33 And though all heaven and earth shall pass away, yet my words remain forever true.


Monday, September 16, 2024

Samaritans and Jews

The Samaritan religion had a different holy place for worship than did their new neighbors, the Jews.  This woman asked Jesus which was correct.  He said worship is not a geographic or physical structure.  His Father is the only source of all that is and he is worshiped in spirit and in truth. 

John 4:20-24 (AMP) 20 Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews say that the place where one ought to worship is in Jerusalem [at the temple].” 21 Jesus replied, “Woman, believe Me, a time is coming [when God’s kingdom comes] when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. 22 You [Samaritans] do not know what you worship; we [Jews] do know what we worship, for salvation is from the Jews. 23 But a time is coming and is already here when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit [from the heart, the inner self] and in truth; for the Father seeks such people to be His worshipers. 24 God is spirit [the Source of life, yet invisible to mankind], and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Sovereignty of God


The Old Testament speaks of the “nation” of God’s chosen people more than individuals. Whether a nation or an individual, there is a tipping point when you are so far away from God he will destroy you or save you, depending upon whether you are serious about repentance. 

Jeremiah 18:7-10 (TLB) 7 Whenever I announce that a certain nation or kingdom is to be taken up and destroyed, 8 then if that nation renounces its evil ways, I will not destroy it as I had planned. 9 And if I announce that I will make a cer1ain nation strong and great, 10 but then that nation changes its mind, turns to evil, and refuses to obey me, then I, too, will change my mind and not bless that nation as I had said I would.
