The most well known of the sermons Jesus gave is probably the Sermon on the Mount. The sermon is recorded in Matthew 5, 6 and 7. If you break each verse into a subject, you will get a synopsis of what Jesus taught. The right hand column is a short note on what the verses mean. Each verse has a link to it at
Verse | Subject | Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 5 |
Humility | God is the one who helps you know who you are and who he is. Allow him to do this in you. | |
Comfort | In all loss, God is there. Let him be a God of comfort to you. | |
Meekness | Being who you are and knowing who you are before God is what you want to achieve. | |
Long to know God | Truly desiring a relationship with God will prepare you for one. | |
Kind and merciful | When you are kind and merciful, you honor God and receive the same back from others. | |
Pure heart | You must want to know God sincerely before you can. | |
Peacemaker | God blesses those who work to bring HIS peace to all situations. | |
Persecution | Persecution is the time you need to lean into God even more than usual. He is God, he won't let you down. | |
Persecution | Look for God’s guidance and opportunities in the persecutions of this life. Silver linings are there in all of them. | |
Persecution | Consider persecutions in a positive way: A challenge you can meet with God's help. | |
Salt of the earth | Relationship with God is necessary to meet the trials of this life. It is also how you enjoy and find meaning in it. | |
Light | God chooses the light bearers - including you - and gives you purpose and meaning so you shine from the inside out. | |
Light | Let God's light shine in you. It will shine naturally as you walk with him and seek his will. | |
Light | Others know God through your light, and it may be the only light they see, so keep your light strong and pure. | |
Scripture | The moral codes and prophesies in the Old Testament are still true. | |
Scripture | Jesus came to blend the old covenant and the new covenant into one. | |
Scripture | The Old and New Testaments, and everything in them, are on a continuum of fulfillment. | |
Pharisees | Rules are necessary for some things but are only part of knowing God. Honesty, goodness and mercy of application are too. | |
Murder | Under the old covenant, murder only applied to the actual physical death of another, now it applies to thoughts of wanting to murder. | |
Anger | Murder starts with anger. Controlling anger and name calling prevents escalation of these destructive emotions. | |
Anger | Unresolved anger compromises your communion with God and man. | |
Anger | You cannot worship God as all power and omniscience if you won’t trust him to help you with your anger. | |
Anger | Not dealing with your anger at others leads to other kinds of trouble - personal, civil and criminal. | |
Anger | Seek to be at peace with others at all times so you can live in peace. | |
Sexual sin | Healthy and unhealthy sexual conduct is identified and described in the Old Testament. | |
Sexual sin | Not committing sexual sin is only part of avoiding it. It starts with your thoughts. This is where the impetus to sin begins. | |
Sexual sin | What you look at affects sexual thoughts (i.e., pornography). Avoid visual temptation. You know when this occurs. | |
Sexual sin | What you let yourself do or fantasize about affects your mind sexually. Ask God for help in right thought and conduct. | |
Divorce | The Law of Moses allowed divorce but it was not because it was seen as being ideal. | |
Divorce | Unfaithful sexual conduct shows you have broken covenant with God and your spouse. | |
Vows | Do what you say you will do. Be honest with yourself, God and others. | |
Vows | Swearing “by God” is unnecessary when you do keep your word. It is blasphemous otherwise. | |
Vows | Swearing "by earth" or “by Jerusalem” is unnecessary and blasphemous because God made the earth. | |
Vows | Don’t even swear on your own word. Just do what you say you will do. | |
Vows | Only say what you mean and do it. Vows or other promises are not needed. | |
Tit for Tat | In the Old Testament, laws were based on equal response to broken laws, such as an eye for eye or tooth for tooth. | |
Tit for Tat | The New Covenant goes beyond tit for tat, requiring more of you. When in conflict, ask God what he wants you to do. | |
Generosity | Even when you are being accused, seek God’s direction for how to be generous of spirit to those accusing you. | |
Generosity | Help carry the load of others when needed and do it generously, not as little as you can get away with. | |
Generosity | Be kind and giving when others need help. | |
Love your enemies | It is a natural response to hate your enemies. but Jesus says to change your thinking about that. | |
Love your enemies | Ask God how to love your enemies and pray for those who mistreat you, as he did on the cross. | |
Love your enemies | Misfortune comes to all people, good or evil. Develop understanding and empathy for others, even enemies. | |
Love your enemies | Loving and praying for those who treat you badly is character of and from God. | |
Love your enemies | Anyone can dislike another. Jesus asks you to rise to a new standard to seeing others as he does. | |
God's ways | Strive to follow the ways of God. They are perfection and always lead to better things. |
Verse | Subject | Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 6 |
Good Deeds | Resist the temptation to publicly announce your good deeds. Do them unto God as he is the one to bless and reward you. | |
Good Deeds | Give to those less fortunate quietly and without drawing attention to yourself. | |
Good Deeds | Do kindnesses as a matter of course and in private. Do not broadcast the good you do. | |
Good Deeds | Only God needs to know the good you do for others. | |
Prayer | Pray to God simply and in relationship. Praying so others can admire you is for those not in relationship with God. | |
Prayer | Pray in private directly to God. | |
Prayer | Repetitive public prayers show you don't trust God to hear you and respond. Or, you are grandstanding. | |
Prayer | God knows exactly what you want and need. Keep your prayers simple and straightforward. | |
Lord's Prayer | Our Father - he is the Holy Father of us all. Honor is due him because he is God. | |
Lord's Prayer | State your desire to see things as God does and to live God's way. His ways are higher than yours. | |
Lord's Prayer | Affirm your basic physical and emotional needs are provided and that you need not worry about them. | |
Lord's Prayer | God will forgive your failings. Likewise, you must also forgive others. | |
Lord's Prayer | God will give you whatever you need to overcome temptation and evil, but you must ask. | |
Forgiveness | God forgives you as you forgive others. In faith you seek to forgive others first. God then forgives you. | |
Forgiveness | When you are not generous to the shortcomings of others, you are not able to receive the same from God. | |
Fasting | Fasting is for your deeper connection with God. It is not a matter of public approval or admiration. | |
Fasting | If you are fasting, be cheerful and joyful. You are getting closer to God, after all. | |
Fasting | God will reward you in your efforts to know him better. Fasting is its own reward in this regard. | |
Treasure | Material treasures of earth will be gone when you are and in the meantime, can also be be stolen or cause suffering. | |
Treasure | Develop the treasures that are eternal. No one can take those away like they can the things of earth. | |
Treasure | Where you treasure is (what you put your faith in) is what you receive now and in the future. | |
Purity | The light of God will shine in and through you when you sincerely seek and want to know him. | |
Darkness | You are subject to darkness and evil desires if you do not allow God to help you guard your thoughts. | |
Love and Money | There is no middle ground - You trust God for your needs or you don't. You can't trust money or other things of this earth. | |
Earthly needs | Don't worry about things - food, drink and clothes. God placed you here and provides for your earthly needs as you honor him. | |
Earthly needs | You are the pinnacle of God’s creation. He provides for all he created. Strive to bask in it and trust him as nature does. | |
Worry | Worry will not add a moment to your life. God determines the number of your days. | |
Fashion | Human fashion will never approximate the beauty of what God has created for you. Seek God's beauty. | |
Monied and elite | The most monied and elite of this Earth do not possess the style or beauty of nature nor can they create it. | |
Faith | God cares for all beings in the natural world he created so he will care for you just as well. | |
Food and Fashion | Clothing and possessions are temporary and of this Earth. Relax and put your focus on God and his treasures. | |
Earthly needs | God knows exactly what you need. Let him give to you instead of worrying how to get from him. | |
Earthly needs | Make God #1 in your life over all else. He will take away unnecessary earthly desires you have as you trust him. | |
Worry | Trust God now. He will provide for tomorrow as you trust him completely today. Worry means you don’t trust him yet. |
Verse | Subject | Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 7 |
Judging others | Jumping on the faults or mistakes of others is a critical spirit and to be avoided. | |
Judging others | With a critical spirit, you may find others don't appreciate your efforts and you will be right. | |
Judging others | Focus on your own shortcomings instead of those of others. Yours could be worse and you don’t even realize it. | |
Judging others | A person with a critical spirit will not see others accurately because they are blinded by their own faults. | |
Judging others | A critical spirit attracts hostility. Release undue focus and criticism of the faults of others. | |
Discernment | Be wise about what you share with others. Not everyone will honor what is sacred to you. | |
Asking | God is not distant. He is right where you are. When you truly ask, seek or knock on his door, he will answer you. | |
Asking | Everyone who truly wants to know God will find him. God is always waiting for you. | |
Asking | If your child asks for nourishment and security, do you give the opposite? No, and neither does God. | |
Asking | You would not try to taunt or harm your child. God does not have it in him to do that to you either. | |
Asking | As imperfect and hard hearted as you are, God is not. He wants relationship with you. | |
Golden rule | Treat others as you want to be treated. This is God's law, going all the way back to Moses. | |
Effort | Many say they want to know God but don't realize he has standards and wants you to see things his way, not your way. | |
Effort | It is a lifetime's work to be in relationship with God and not everyone has the desire to see it through. | |
True teaching | Not everyone teaching about God is submitted to him. They are in it for money or other dubious reasons. | |
True teaching | A true teacher of God will never exploit your weaknesses or lead you down the wrong path. | |
True teaching | A true teacher of God can be identified by whether they know and practice what is in God’s word. | |
True teaching | A true teacher of God is not a perfect human being, but reflects God's ways in what they say and do. | |
True teaching | Walk away from anyone who claims to be a true teacher but shows otherwise in their actions. | |
True teaching | Charisma or a compelling personality is not the test of a true teacher. God's character must be in them. | |
Religious people | Being religious is not the true test of whether you are a follower of God. Your actions show whether you are. | |
Religious people | You must walk in God's ways and be obedient to him if you want to be in permanent relationship with him. | |
Religious people | Those who think themselves important are not making God important. They probably do not yet belong to God. | |
Foundations | Following the teachings of Jesus must be foundational in your life, not something you do here and there. | |
Foundations | You are able to live in strength and confidence only as much as you know God and abide in his presence. | |
Foundations | If you don't take God or his ways seriously, don't expect to have strength and confidence when you need it. | |
Foundations | You fall down and are weak to the extent you are not in relationship with God and honor his ways. | |
Jesus' teachings | Jesus' sermons greatly impressed those who heard them. Truth was presented in a new, fresh way. | |
Jesus' teachings | As now, the mastery and authority of Jesus was superior to the prevailing religious ideas and leaders of his day. |
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